Tuesday, November 1, 2016


Check out our vlog! It's funny, scary and dark, but it addresses everything you need to know about the hottest conspiracies and how to protect your self.

Directors: Samuel Kool, Jacqueline Pryor, Mark Niemi, Eric Brunsdon
Cast: Samuel Kool, Jacqueline Pryor, Mark Niemi, Eric Brunsdon
Editing: Samuel Kool


Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Rothschild theory

The rothschild are the worlds richest family. They own every central bank in the world apart from two. These being Saudia Arabia and Iran. Iraq's central bank wasn't owned by the Rothschild until the war in Iraq. But the ruling elite needed an excuse. Enter 911 and weaposn of mass desturction. After over throwing Sudam Hussane and hanging him, the Rothschild family gained control over Iraq's central bank. If you look out our politics of control blog post about the politics of control thread you can see how the rothschild control our lives.

The Rothschild also control our mass media. We always see Bill Gates, Donald Trump and other billionaires are always on TV. Kardashians being robbed? Main story! But the worlds richest family is never mentioned! This the real conspiracy! 

Eric out.




The Great Lightbulb Conspiracy

The Great lightbulb conspiracy came about in the early 1900's when a cartel of 3 leading light bulb manufacturers, Osran,Philips and General electric came together in order to plan obsolescence of the light bulb. This became the birth of planned obsolescence in business and would effect the world for decades to come. 

The cartel was a convenient way to lower costs and worked to standardise the life expectancy of light bulbs at 1000 hours, while at the same time raising prices without fear of competition. Members' bulbs were regularly tested and fines were levied for bulbs that lasted more than 1000 hours.

by Mark

source: http://spectrum.ieee.org/geek-life/history/the-great-lightbulb-conspiracy

source: http://spectrum.ieee.org/geek-life/history/the-great-lightbulb-conspiracysource: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phoebus_cartel


The Taos Hum

Ever felt or a deep hum and vibrations running through your body? Chances are you're one of the 2% of the population who has been exposed to the 'Taos Hum'. This phenomenon has a variety of reasons for happening, ranging from the very ordinary to the fantastic, the psychological to the paranormal.

This noise has been likened to the sound of a distant idle diesel engine but can be heard far away and also close by. One man in the US stated its radius was 48kms. The noise has also been associated with three suicides in the UK. Science has tried to explain the cause of such a noise but it is somewhat difficult when only such a small percentage of the population can actually hear it, and it only happens in small areas around the world.

However, 'unexplained' does not mean 'unexplainable' and hopefully in the future we will find the cause of the hum.

Want to read more? Head over to http://www.livescience.com/43519-taos-hum.html and check out some more facts.

Thanks for reading, fellow conspiracists,



Fantastic Theories- A Master List

Can't get enough of our conspiracy theories?? I know I can't. Heres a list of some fantastic conspiracy theories for you to look into yourself. Lets start a discussion in the comments about some of these theories:

1. The Moon isn't real
2. The Reptilian Elite 
3. The CIA and AIDS 
4. Global warming is a hoax created by the UN 


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

War on drugs

The "war on drugs" made famous by President Richard Nixon in his first year in office in 1969 is one of the biggest failures ever. Or was it? Is the "war on drugs" really just a war on black people? Well, here at theories,we believe so. Let's be honest, the USA doesn't exactly have the best history with race relations. With you know, slavery, the KKK and white supremacy. The idea of a war on black people isn't that far fetched.  However, what makes this theory interesting isn't the fact that it's about suppressing black people, it's about the fact that it's not a theory at all. The war on drugs was indeed a war on black people. A first hand account by Enrlichman says that the war on drugs indeed purposely targeted blacks.  So is this still a theory? Well yes, unless we can back it up hard evidence then it's still a theory. And a first hand account isn't exactly hard evidence. But here we will examine the evidence now. White people use drugs are 5 times the rate black people do, and yet black people are 10 times more likely to be sent to jail for drug use. (1) So is the war on drugs really a war on black people? Well it's up to you our loyal viewers to make up your mind. Just keep an open at that. 

Eric out.


A Conspiracy Theorist's Death- The Conspiracy

Breaking news, the death of a fellow conspiracy theorist! Max Spiers studied and proclaimed theories about UFO's, and was mysteriously found dead in Warsaw in June. The conspiracy starts with a text message to Spiers' mother, just days before his death saying:

“If anything happens to me, investigate.”

Just a few days later he was found dead, his cause of death said to be of natural causes. 

A friend of his, who also discovered his body, said in an interview:

"I think Max had been digging in some dark places and I fear that somebody wanted him dead."

See also the below interview with his mother. 

The theory is that the government wanted him dead for his radical theories surrounding the governments involvement with UFO's 


- Jacqui


Monday, October 17, 2016

Is Global Warming A Lie?

Global Warming, one of the most controversial issues talked about today. But is it all a lie? There are several reasons which indicate that global warming is a made-up theory.

Let me list some of these theories now:

  • There is no accumulation of Co2 
  • If there was an accumulation of Co2, it would make Earth colder, not hotter
  • Of the UN group researching this matter, only a very small portion of them are actually scientists. The others are politicians and such, perhaps pushing their own agenda
Furthermore, if global warming does exist, its probably just a cycle of the Earth. The Earth has never been in a consistent state in its billions of years in existence and us humans are too self-centred to realise that. If global warming does exist it's probably got nothing to do with us and there is nothing we can do to stop it. The Earth and its forces are more powerful than us, no matter how scientifically knowledgable and able we become.

Let us know what your opinion is on this conspiracy theory, or any other on this page for that matter!

Happy reading, fellow conspiracists,



Sunday, October 16, 2016

Was Yuri Gagarin Really The First Man In Space?

On Wednesday April 12th, 1961, the Soviet Union announced that cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin had become the first man to journey into outer space. but was he? we have reason to believe that Yuri Gagarin was not the first man in space but was the first man to make it back alive. Yes, there may have been soviet men sent to space but there were abnormalities which prevented the success of their mission and resulted in their abandonment and death while ascending, in space or coming home.

Why would the soviet union cover up the deaths of these cosmonauts? because they were failures that the soviet union did not want the world to see. when Yuri Gagarin returned home, he became a national hero and headlines of the successful mission travels around the world and the soviets had proven their superior technology to the world. If they had failed previously this would be bad publicity in the height of the Cold War.

by Mark

Source: http://theunredacted.com/lost-cosmonauts-the-tombs-in-space/



Surfing theory

Eric here, we have posted a lot of theories on our blog. Some silly, some serious.  Some kinda dumb, some very real theories which are probably truth. However, we have now come to the most ridiculous theory of them all. Maybe I am a little biased because of how often I see this theory and am tired of seeing it on every single video. Or because I'm not a nationalistic blind idiot, that can't see bias from judging.

Anyways, here we go. The world shame league theory, or world script league theory is a theory revolving around professional surfing. Professional surfing is a judged sport, so naturally there will be disagreements. I think Mick Fanning is the best surfer in the world and his turns alone deserve excellent scores, while some other fans think an air is the best. Who is to say who's right? Well, the judges. The judges are right. However, apart from the disagreements in judging. As of late with the rise of the "brazilian storm", brazilian fans have always been passionate to say the least. Brazilians are passionate people. Good for them, but it's not good for my news feed whenever I want to watch a contest.

Brazilian fans constantly bombarded the comment section of world surf league with their comments about how the competition is scripted. Or that they're pushing John John Florence for a maiden world championship. Is this true? Obviously not, but for the integrity of the theory. We must ensue.

By far the worst day for surf theories was Gabriel Medina vs Tanner Gudauskas at the Hurley Pro Trestles. This was a shitstorm and a half.  Since surfing is judged, people are going to disagree, and disagreement is good for the conversation. However, if you look at any video posted by World Surf League post Trestles round 3, heat 7 and you will see a very committed bunch of theorists. 

There is little, to no evidence to support this theory. It is your opinion vs mine. And who is to say who is right? And there will be people who fight tooth and nail to prove that the world surf league is pushing JJF for a world title, and there is people who will say brazilians are over scored. But at the end of the day, you will never have true harmony in a community where you are judged. 



Thursday, October 13, 2016

The Illuminati- Modern Counterparts

The Illuminati was founded by a German professor named Adam Weishaupt. It's founding values surrounded knowledge, improvement, social reform and free thought. In modern times, some believe the Illuminati were the Jews in WWII, or Communists during the Cold War Period.

The Illuminati is now synonymous with the 'New World Order' group, created in 1930's.

Some modern counterparts of the Illuminati, or New World Order include these famous faces:
In Order of Images:

Beyonce, Rihanna, Obama.


Check out this video by the all knowledgable Buzzfeed:

-- Jacqui

Who Is Dora The Explorer, Really?

When someone mentions the name Dora the Explorer, one tends to think of the child's cartoon and all connotations of innocents and naivety that come with it. There is, however, a dark side. One that you may have never heard. 

There are many conspiracy theories surrounding this loveable kids cartoon, some of which will be explained below. 

Dora has dementia or schizophrenia
There are many reasons this theory exists. Let me explain. Dora introduces herself to the audience (the viewers) in every episode, seemingly to forget that she has done this many times before. Speaking of the audience, it doesn't actually exist in her world. She speaks to an imaginary audience and converses with a monkey. Monkeys cannot actually speak so this may be some form of hallucination on her behalf. Furthermore, she mentions in one episode that she can see Africa. Africa is a very long way away from Mexico so this is clearly not possible. 

Dora has ADHD 
She reads her map and almost instantaneously forgets what she read. Classic ADHD. 

Dora's possible medical issues
1. She's deaf. Her voice is very loud and she is unable to control the volume of it, a sure sign of deafness. 
2. Her giant head? caused by hydrocephalus. 
3. The bracelet she wears? It's a medical alert bracelet of course. 

Thanks for reading, fellow conspiracists. 

Until next time, 


For more reading, checkout the Reddit pages on Dora's conspiracy theories: 

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Have Aliens Visited Us?

With the sheer number of other stars, solar systems and galaxies in the universe is so large that it is almost statistically impossible for life in the universe not to exist, but has intelligent life visited or made contact with earth? abductions, probing and capture of aliens seems pretty far fetched but take a look at these convincing UFO sightings.

Battle of Los Angeles, In February of 1942, the United States was still recovering from the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in December of 1941. So, when an unidentified flying object was discovered hovering over the city of Los Angeles, the city went into near panic, as there were hundreds of witnesses. The military got involved, fighter planes were shooting at the UFO, and a spotlight shining on the object as the government was trying to figure out what it was. So why didn’t something like this make headlines around the world? Well, World War II basically took over the media at the time.

for more info on this sighting check out: Battle of Los Angeles

Japan Air 1986, In November of 1986, Japan Airlines Flight 1628 was carrying a shipment of wine between Paris and Tokyo. Captain Kenju Terauchi, a veteran pilot of 29 years, was no stranger to the skies. While the plane was over Alaska, passengers and crew on Flight 1628 noted a bright flying object in their view that was about three times the size of an aircraft carrier. Terauchi contacted ground controllers and they confirmed the flying object on their radar. For over 300 miles and 50 minutes, Flight 1628 observed and tracked the UFO.

for more info on this sighting check out: Japanese Airlines Flight 1628 Incident

By Mark

Sighting info and images sourced from: http://www.therichest.com/rich-list/most-influential/worlds-10-most-credible-ufo-sightings/

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Jar Jar Binks is a sith lord!

Out of left field this one, but a theory is a theory. And we're all about theories. Even if the theory comes from a fictional movie. But today we're covering the theory behind Jar Jar Binks being a sith lord.

Jar Jar Binks is by far the worst character out of all of star wars. But this theory redeems him, imagine if you will, at the end of the "revenge of the sith" Jar Jar is the one manipulating the jedi all along.

And we have evidence!

Now Jar Jar is a bumbling idiot, yousa know that and I know that. But, Jar Jar's fighting style is actually an ancient form of martial arts known as Zu Kwame. Here, shaolin monks would pretend to be uncoordinated and confused, but is actually an elaborate ruse to trick your enemy. This is our first hint he is not who he say he is.

Secondly, we have Jar Jar using hand motions to influence the weaks people's minds. This is something Jedi use and is seen in all star wars films. Below, you can watch as jar jar uses jedi mind tricks.

Now both these things could just be coincidences right? Hardly solid ground for a theory. But if you watch the prequals again, you realise Jar Jar becomes pivotal in the story. Jar Jar tricks the jedi into travelling through the planet core in Naboo. Jar Jar causing a scene in Tatooine so they run into Anakain. And imprinting disrespect towards Jedi on a young Anakin.

Now again, Jar Jar is used as comic relief, so this could be all be a coincidence??? Right? Wrong! In star wars law, a siths eye due to power and hate turns yellow. Jar Jar Binks has yellow eyes. You can't put this down as a coincidence because Jar Jar is a CGI character. Everything he does, is done on purpose. His eye colour, the way he moves, everything. Jar Jar is a sith lord. But due to fan backlash over Jar Jar binks, George Lucas decided to scrap the idea of Jar Jar being a sith lord.  


Monday, October 10, 2016

Taylor Swift Used to be a Satanic Leader

Zeena Lavey was the daughter of the founder of the Satanistic religion, and has also been cloned to form Taylor Swift. The pictures are undeniable proof. 
Need I say more? The similarity is uncanny! However there is further proof. An official Twitter poll, created by the user @deadfears, shows that 49% of people believe that Taylor Swift is in fact a clone of the Satanist Leader. Could the Illumiati be responsible for her cloning? Check out the following youtube video to find out more 

-- Jacqui
