Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The Taos Hum

Ever felt or a deep hum and vibrations running through your body? Chances are you're one of the 2% of the population who has been exposed to the 'Taos Hum'. This phenomenon has a variety of reasons for happening, ranging from the very ordinary to the fantastic, the psychological to the paranormal.

This noise has been likened to the sound of a distant idle diesel engine but can be heard far away and also close by. One man in the US stated its radius was 48kms. The noise has also been associated with three suicides in the UK. Science has tried to explain the cause of such a noise but it is somewhat difficult when only such a small percentage of the population can actually hear it, and it only happens in small areas around the world.

However, 'unexplained' does not mean 'unexplainable' and hopefully in the future we will find the cause of the hum.

Want to read more? Head over to and check out some more facts.

Thanks for reading, fellow conspiracists,



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