Saturday, October 8, 2016

Politics of control? Abortion, religion and gays.

Eric here (4486 1761), and your professional politics theorist. Today we will be covering the politics of control and how today we don't have a democracy, but rather a government controlled by money.

It's often said "divide and conquer". Have your enemy fight themselves so you don't have to. This holds true for politics as well. And is no more true than what makes someone left wing or right wing on the political spectrum. Pro life? Well you're right wing. Religious? Right wing. Like guns? Right wing. All things that should not affect someone's political spectrum.

The political spectrum use to be big business vs workers rights. But a shift in the dumbing down of society has led people to believe in issues that are not inherently right wing or left wing.

Wage inequality is currently at an all time high. Last time wage inequality was so high was just prior to the great depression.   And when did issues like religion, guns, abortion, gays, and other social issues come into the political spectrum? Right, when the civil rights movement happened. Just after the 60's. And wage inequality has been climbing ever since. This is no accident. This is the classic divide and conquer tactic.

Government today is run by political donations and big business. This current presidential race is throwing a spanner in the works however. You may remember our theory on Donald Trump being a democratic insider? Well Trump isn't taking donations from superpacs and lobbyist. Hillary Clinton on the other hand? 28% of 518 million dollars raised has come from superpacs. With 13 million coming from Paloma Partners. A wall street firm. Other high end donations are also from superpacs and banks. And no one questions this because everyone is too focused on whether or not a woman should be allowed to have an abortion, or if you should own a gun.  With Clinton a shoe in for the presidency, and her vowing that she will ban guns, more of the same useless rhetoric will be spat out whilst the rich get richer.


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